Burnt TIPs

Special Thanks to Ryan Kovar for the photo & delicious dinner. This is going to be one of those highly metaphor-driven posts I’ve done before (like using Hamilton in Waiting vs Passivity in DFIR). Bail out now or prepare to discuss where threat intel and American BBQ run into each other! What you call something matters in sharing it with others and framing intelligence programs. And lunch orders… 🍖 BBQ: Burnt Ends I don’t know the real story of burnt ends....

July 31, 2021 · 7 min · Scott J Roberts

Blogging Again in 2021

I’m back! That means getting things back in order. When I was last writing actively I was using Medium… which was pretty miserable. Medium was great for ease of use with a decent writing interface and app as well as excellent reader acquisition. Unfortunately the upsides had worse downsides. Formatting was limited (no tables?!) and everything was like when I used Jekyll but sort of weird. Then came the lock-in/paywalls and general lack of openness....

June 20, 2021 · 4 min · Scott J Roberts