A Basic Guide to Advanced Incident Response

On 5/5 was lucky enough to be invited to speak at an education technical conference Tech Talk Live Cyber Security Symposium. I wanted to do something new, something different. I’ve long been an advocate of intelligence driven incident response, but had never seen a sufficiently useful presentation to introduce this complex but powerful work flow to others. So I tried to make one. Presentation Overall I was pleased with how the talk was received....

May 7, 2014 · 2 min · Scott J Roberts

My Favorite Open Source Security Tools

So working at GitHub it is no surprise I believe in and use a lot of open source software. I think especially for security this makes sense, for a number of reasons: We need tools we can trust, so transparency is key We need tools we can modify, since we often need things that don’t exist We need tools that are cross platform And the list goes on. I try to support these projects, with code, with feedback, with use, and sometimes, with praise....

January 18, 2014 · 3 min · Scott J Roberts